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Query on stat difference

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:40 pm
by pokeyma
Can anyone help me with the main difference between these two stats

1. Raise %
2. Raise Total

I read the documentation, but there is no precise information about it

Re: Query on stat difference

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:00 am
by WhiteRider
Raise % is the percentage of all your actions that were raises across all streets.

100 * (cnt_p_raise + cnt_f_raise + cnt_t_raise + cnt_r_raise ) / cnt_total_actions

Raise Total is the percentage of times you raised when you had the chance, across flop, turn and river:

((cnt_f_raise + cnt_t_raise + cnt_r_raise) / (cnt_f_call + cnt_f_fold + cnt_f_raise + cnt_t_call + cnt_t_fold + cnt_t_raise + cnt_r_call + cnt_r_fold + cnt_r_raise)) * 100

If you have are registered you can look up these expressions in the custom stats window (Configure > Configure Stats).
See the Introduction of the Statistical Reference Guide for more info.

Re: Query on stat difference

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:20 am
by pokeyma
Sorry i do not quite understand the difference between this 2.

From a statistical viewpoint, which one is more accurate to track how often someone actually raises at any point in a hand?

In one database, i have a RP of 14.4 and RT of 9.6 over 8k hands
However, in another database, both RP and RT are nearly the same over 25k sample size

Will it be correct to deduce this 2 stats converges in a larger sample size?

Does this include raising in position and check raising?

Pls advise

Re: Query on stat difference

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:30 am
by kraada
The difference is that cnt_total_actions includes checks.

Raise % will always end up lower than Raise Total and how much depends on how often you check. The less you check, the closer they will be.
