Advanced HUD help

Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:06 am
by xxkimboxx
Hello and a merry exmas to all.
I`m a new user of PT3 and I`ve installed the Advanced HUD from this page
viewtopic.php?f=45&t=11188 and tried to read it

but i can`t get my head around what the color changes on the "Group:General stats" section means on the HUD. Could someone try to explain what the colors mean on this

screenshot of the VP%IP PFR 3bet pf-NvBS- and att to steal, sections for player 1,2 and 4.
Re: Advanced HUD help

Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:08 am
by xxkimboxx
ALso what does this mean "3bet pf-NvBS-"
Re: Advanced HUD help

Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:37 am
by xxkimboxx
Also what does "hands played, K notation" mean.

Re: Advanced HUD help

Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:01 pm
by kraada
First the simplest answers: Hands played, k notation means that once someone has more than a thousand hands it is truncated and displayed with a k to denote "times 1000", so if you have 1500 hands on someone it would be displayed as 1.5k. This takes a lot less space, especially if you get people with 10k+ hands.
3bet pf NvBS is how often a person 3bets preflop when they are not facing a blind steal. (Not Vs Blind Steal is what "NvBS" stands for) The reason for divorcing this from 3bets versus blind steals is that a good number of people (at least, at certain stakes) have a tendency to 3bet a lot lighter when they're facing a blind steal as opposed to when they are facing a raise from early or middle position. Since both situations occur fairly regularly it seemed best to divorce the two statistics from one another.
With regards to coloring: stats are colored based on the value of other stats.
The color for VP$IP is based on the value of a player's limp/fold to raise stat. So if VP$IP is in red, they have limp/folded 0 - 10% of the time. This way you can see quickly if someone limps and gives up on their hands often. PFR is colored by how often someone raises and then folds when they get 3-bet. Attempt to Steal is colored by how often they attempt to steal, then fold when someone 3bets them. C-bet is colored by how often they fold to c-bet, Fold to raise after CB is colored by how often a player wins when they get to showdown given that they raised at some point in the hand. Donkbet flop is colored by how often they fold to cbets in a 3bet pot. C-bet turn (aka double barrel) is colored by how often they float the turn (that is, bet in position after calling a flop cbet and having the turn checked to them). Hands in k notation is colored by how often they fold to steals.
All of these colorations use the same ranges:
0 - 10% = red
10 - 20% = light red
20 - 30% = orange
30 - 40% = yellow
40 - 50% = dark green
50 - 60% = green
60 - 70% = light green
70 - 80% = blue
80 - 90% = cyan
90 - 100% = magenta.
There is a different range for two other statsd though. 3bet PF NvBS is colored by how often a player does 3bet vs steal and RWPC (raise limpers percentage) is colored by LWPC (limp behind limpers percentage and these two stats use a compacted range. The order of the colors is the same as above, but each color swath is 2% wide. So 0 - 2% is red, 2 - 4% is light red, and so un up to 18%+ which is magenta.
Re: Advanced HUD help

Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:43 pm
by xxkimboxx
Great stuff, thanks for your time kraada

Re: Advanced HUD help

Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:34 pm
by kraada
You're welcome. If there's anything else confusing please feel free to ask

Re: Advanced HUD help

Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:23 pm
by xxkimboxx
Hi again, could you help me to try and clarify this in my head buy trying to enplane what player 1 has done different to player 2 and what does the x mean.

Re: Advanced HUD help

Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:41 pm
by WhiteRider
Kraada is off today, but I'm sure he'll get back to you tomorrow.
The 'X' means that the player has not had the opportunity to 3-bet often enough for the stat to be relevant, so it is censored until more information is available - i.e. until he has had more chances to 3-bet.
Re: Advanced HUD help

Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:05 pm
by kraada
WhiteRider is correct; some of those stats don't work quite right in heads up spots. One day I'll get around to building a specific HU profile, but I haven't had a chance to look at the problem with the seriousness it deserves. I believe the Xes are there until you have 5 opportunities to do the action. I started out with that number quite a bit higher but as time went on I realized how poor our sample sizes really are (which should be a good point to keep in mind regardless). Were there any other specific stats you had questions about?