My questions would be the followings, any help would be appreciated.
I have two computers. First one is a notebook (PT3 installed and configured with custom stats, etc.)
and the second one is a powerfull desktop computer (no PT3 installation yet).
I want to import a big number of hands (6-7 millions) in the desktop machine because of the speed.
Than I want to backup this DB and move to the notebook.
So my first question would be that I have several custom statistics in my notebook is it enough if I
export these stats from notebook and import to the desktop machine before importing?
With this procedure will be DB problems avoided? I mean no custom stat value in my HUD during play
using the moved new DB?
My second question would be that on my notebook 8.4.1 PG is installed but as far as I know PT3 installs
8.3.9 are they 100% compatible? I tried to find 8.4.1 version on PostGres site but versions from 8.4.6
are available.
Any help would be appreciated!