PT2 users who purchase PT3 receive a discount of $11 off the cost of PT3. PAHUD users get another $5 discount. This discount is automatically applied once you are logged in to your account and your PT2 (and/or PAHUD) registrations are linked to your account (which you can set up through your Order History page). If you buy Holdem and Omaha together they are cheaper than buying one and then the second one later so there is no additional discount there. For our pricing, please see our purchase page.
That's what I would expect, yes - if you add your purchase to the cart on the purchase page it should tell you your discount. If it doesn't, you will need to link your products in My Account -> My Orders before purchasing. If you have any problems with the discount open a Support Ticket and someone will make sure everything is set up properly for you.
Thanks, fully understand. However, some questions still.
I wanna pay by Paypal , however, the name of my paypal account maynot be corresponding to my name on my Poker tracker V2 . Because it's very long time ago, I can't remember how i paid for ptv2 and ace hud.
Is it possible I just link my poker tracker v2 product ID and Ace hud ID with my newly would be purchase PT3 to obtain the $16 discount, regardless to the name correspodence issue?
I guess the most important issued is that you get paid and I get the product , so i guess it's alright? I gauranteed that the product ID of my PTv2 and Ace hud are newly and ever used this time, for the very first time! Thanks.