Configure Statistics -> HUD?

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Configure Statistics -> HUD?

Postby emmemm » Mon May 05, 2008 8:50 am


How can I view Statistics in the HUD?
I defined own values in "Columns" and "Statistics" in sections "Holdem Cash Hand" and "Holdem Cash Player Statistic".
I can view these values in reports but but none of these values is visible while I "Cofigure HUD".

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Re: Configure Statistics -> HUD?

Postby Josh » Mon May 05, 2008 10:25 am

Only statistics in the "Holdem <Type> Player Statistics" will appear in your stat selection in the Hud Stat Config. In the Tracker, go to Configure -> Configure Hud -> Cash (if your stats are cash), and check the stat list. Do none of your custom stats appear?
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Re: Configure Statistics -> HUD?

Postby emmemm » Mon May 05, 2008 10:52 am

None of my stats apear in the HUD Stats list.

I open Configure/Configure Stats
1st Tab: I select Section "Holdem Cash Player Statistics"
2nd Tab: I insert "id_holecard1", Expression: "holdem_hand_player_detail.holecard_1"
4th Tab: I insert "H1", Description: "Holecard 1", Value Expression: "lookup_from_id(id_holecard1, 'card_rank')", Format Expression: "lookup_from_id(id_holecard1, 'card')"
==> I can use "H1" in a "Holdem Cash Player Statistics" report. "H1" is not available in "Configure HUD - cash" in Stats
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Re: Configure Statistics -> HUD?

Postby Josh » Mon May 05, 2008 12:32 pm

Forgot to mention that with rare exception, "group by" columns aren't available in the Hud.
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Re: Configure Statistics -> HUD?

Postby emmemm » Mon May 05, 2008 5:35 pm

I see.
Is there any way to see a list of the last holecards for a player?
Lets say max 20 lines in a popup, in each line holecards flop/turn/river and some information on the betting.
Is/Will this be possible in the HUD?

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Re: Configure Statistics -> HUD?

Postby Josh » Mon May 05, 2008 5:47 pm

Not yet, but eventually the flexibility of the Hud will allow for you to do this.
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