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Pokertracker 3

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:28 am
by DaveWaw
I read in the instructions that it's possible to use PT's registration code in 2 computers. I installed in my Macbook pt3 (the version 4 is not available for mac). I bought a PC for work and I want to install it on that.
Is it possible to use PT3 in one computer and PT4 in the second one?
What if I use both computers at the same time?

Re: Pokertracker 3

PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:23 pm
by kraada
PT4 registration codes are distinct from PT3 registration codes and use of one doesn't affect the use of the other. Having purchased PT3 now you are entitled to a free PT4 code so you can just claim that and use it on your work PC and switch to PT4: Mac when it's available.