Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

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Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby jawe » Fri May 16, 2008 9:25 am

Hi there,

I just played my first 6 tabling Session on Full Tilt with PT3.

There were some problems (maybe Bugs or I am just to stupid):

1) Own stats. I only had them on one table(they were correct. at least it seemed so). But they dissapeared for some hands sometimes. No stats at all on the other tables. Reset didn't help.
The importfunction for these tables was ok. I created a group with the "primary stats" (vpip, pfr, AF, hands) and choosed "show on table for everyone"

My two other groups had "show everyone but hero" activated. And I never saw these groups displying my stats. So this worked well.

2) No stats were updated. But the strange thing was that when I moved the cursor over "hands" (and the popup came) the number of hands for the session updated. But not correctly. At one point I had a guy with 114 hands(on the HUD) with 82 hands in the session and then a little bit later with 73???.

After I reconized that stats aren't updating I made a note on one player at each table to see if it's maybe a problem of just one table, but it wasn't. None of the six numbers changed. The tables were imported correctly as I could see in the "session tab"

3) There are sometimes huge differences between the popup-stats and the HUD-stats on the table. For example some guy had flopagression of 2.2 on the table and 3.5 on the popup. I used for sure the right statistics(I checked it and both were "Flop AF")

Hopefully my english is understandable.

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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 4:47 pm

1. This is a known issue. I'm working on resolving it.

2. PT3 uses player ranges to refresh the stats. Only after X hands, are new stats retrieved for a player. You can adjust this in the Hud Options.

3. The table stats and the popup stats are retrieved with different queries. There are some performance issues that are causing the queries to take an extraordinarily long time to complete. This might be the problem you are experiencing.
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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby jawe » Sat May 17, 2008 7:39 am

1. ok, thank you :)

2. I know that PT is using ranges but that wasn't the problem. Some of the player had under 100 hands and in this range I set the refreshrate to 5 hands and I played a lot more hands with them.

3. I don't understand this I think. Is this a bug or not? I mean there are really huge differences. For example there was a player with 2000 hands and his flopaggression was in the popup was 7 and on the table 3.
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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby Peligroso » Sat May 17, 2008 7:45 am

Someone said they had noticed that the popup is reading from several databases but the table stats only from one or something like that. I haven't checked it myself yet though, but if that's the case I'm sure it'll be fixed shortly.
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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby jawe » Sat May 17, 2008 8:14 am


this is the reason. I just checked it.

I have to DB's (one with the hands I played an one with the mining hands)

If I activate only one everything is fine.

If I activate both then on the table are always the stats from the mining DB regardless of which DB is active and the pop-up seems to be a combination of both(checked it with PT2)
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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby jawe » Sat May 17, 2008 10:02 am

I think this is also the reason why my stats aren't updating because if the data on the table is from the mining DB and while I play the hands are written in my other DB there are of course no updates.

I just had some table open and the mining DB active and the stats were refreshing every 5 hands as it should be.
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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby Ghettoize » Sat May 17, 2008 10:50 am

i hope they fix these hud problems soon so i can purchase it
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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby jawe » Sun May 18, 2008 7:53 am

Is there any timframe when this problem will be solved?
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Re: Some problems with the HUD (Full Tilt 6max)

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 11:14 am

I hope to have a major Hud performance enhancement released by the middle of this week.
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