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configure hud

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:52 pm
by Jarabe11

I want this stats displayed on the hud: PFR EP, PFR MP, PFR LP. You can se this three stats if you click on the hud and then click preflop statistics,
they are shown on a big pop up screen along with many other stats.

But I want this stats to be shown on the small hud box, I don't want to click on the hud every time I want to see them. This stats are not available
on the "configure hud profiles", where you can add stats.

Re: configure hud

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:22 am
by WhiteRider
You can do it the same way it is done in the popup - by adding the normal stat and setting the "Position" property in the Hud editor.
