I need some opinions on how we should handle rake. When you view your stats, under the General tab, PT3 lists the amount of rake paid. Currently, PT3 is doing it the same way PT2 is doing it: Any hand you win, you pay the full rake, even in split pots, it counts the full rake towards each player who wins. Obviously, this isn't accurate, and should probably change. What I'm trying to figure out is the best way to do it. I've come up with some alternatives:
[bogj]Equal to the percentage of the pot won.[/bogj]
With this method, if you have a $125 overall pot, where $100 is the main pot, and $25 is the side pot, the winner pays 80% of the rake. If the rake is $3, then the primary winner will pay $2.40, and the other winner will pay only $0.60.
[bogj]Winner of the main pot pays 100% of the rake.[/bogj]
With this method, if you have a $125 overall pot, where $100 is the main pot, and $25 is the side pot, the winner pays 100% of the rake. If that rake is $3, then the primary winner will pay $3, and the other winner will pay $0.
Please vote on which method you think we should use. If you think of an alternative not mentioned here, please let us know.