Stat mismatches between tabs

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Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby Bambi » Thu May 29, 2008 2:28 pm


I've been very happy with PT3 so far even tho it's missing some basic stuff, but anyways.

Today I encountered the first real big bug which is pretty frustrating.


A1: Yes I did refresh them like thousand times

A2: Yes there's a mismatch between the tabs even without filters.
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby WhiteRider » Thu May 29, 2008 2:40 pm

Did your play extend past midnight?
This could cause a difference because the summary tab will include those sessions which were played past midnight, but the others won't.
Have you set the option on the settings dialog to define "my day starts at"? This should mean that sessions are not split, as long as you aren't playing at the time you define.
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby Bambi » Fri May 30, 2008 2:43 am

WhiteRider wrote:Did your play extend past midnight?
This could cause a difference because the summary tab will include those sessions which were played past midnight, but the others won't.
Have you set the option on the settings dialog to define "my day starts at"? This should mean that sessions are not split, as long as you aren't playing at the time you define.

No it didn't. I tried to fix the "my day starts at" option, didn't help.

But Isn't that pretty insignificant, because the problem is still there if i clear the filters?

At the moment I got 17,994 hands in General, Sessions and Winnings tabs

and 18,317 hands in Hands, tab

and 18,330 hands in Positions tab

am I the first one with this issue?
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby pikob » Fri May 30, 2008 3:19 am

Bambi wrote:
WhiteRider wrote:Did your play extend past midnight?
This could cause a difference because the summary tab will include those sessions which were played past midnight, but the others won't.
Have you set the option on the settings dialog to define "my day starts at"? This should mean that sessions are not split, as long as you aren't playing at the time you define.

No it didn't. I tried to fix the "my day starts at" option, didn't help.

But Isn't that pretty insignificant, because the problem is still there if i clear the filters?

At the moment I got 17,994 hands in General, Sessions and Winnings tabs

and 18,317 hands in Hands, tab

and 18,330 hands in Positions tab

am I the first one with this issue?

I've noticed this as well. I have one extra hand in Player Summary compared to Player Statistics if I filter for a specific day. However, I haven't checked what 'my day starts at' option does.
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 30, 2008 1:01 pm

Please enable logging, reproduce the problem and submit your PokerTracker.log to the Support system , and link to this thread. If you could add a screenshot as well, that would be great, thanks.
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby Bambi » Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:48 pm

Bumping this coz it seems it's still happening (dunno if you've tried to fix it tho)

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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:57 am

Did you create a ticket?
We have seen a few isolated cases of this, and we're trying to track it down.
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:07 am

Are you using Vista? Is it 64-bit?
What version of Postgres? (did you install PT3 with postgres, or do a manual install of postgres?)
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby Bambi » Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:01 am

WhiteRider wrote:Did you create a ticket?
We have seen a few isolated cases of this, and we're trying to track it down.

I created a ticked last time, but didn't this time. I don't really know how to do it, well I don't know how the tickets work for the log part for this kind of a problem. I can send a new ticket though, if I don't have to try re-importing the hands or anything.

WhiteRider wrote:Are you using Vista? Is it 64-bit?
What version of Postgres? (did you install PT3 with postgres, or do a manual install of postgres?)

I'm on 32-bit Vista and Postgres 8.3 installed with PT3. (running as administrator every time etc, installed w/ administrator).
I'm not sure if this is related to the fact I added an alias to my SN, and have been deleting and adding it again.

Quick non-related question: Can I datamine (and import) on my laptop while im playing (and importing) on my desktop at the same time, or will this fk up something?
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Re: Stat mismatches between tabs

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:26 am

Bambi wrote:I created a ticked last time, but didn't this time. I don't really know how to do it, well I don't know how the tickets work for the log part for this kind of a problem. I can send a new ticket though, if I don't have to try re-importing the hands or anything.

No, if you already created a ticket, don't create another one - if you have any further information, you can reply to the outstanding ticket.

I'm on 32-bit Vista and Postgres 8.3 installed with PT3. (running as administrator every time etc, installed w/ administrator).
I'm not sure if this is related to the fact I added an alias to my SN, and have been deleting and adding it again.

Ah, yes - there have been issues related to aliases before - did you set the alias before you imported?

Quick non-related question: Can I datamine (and import) on my laptop while im playing (and importing) on my desktop at the same time, or will this fk up something?

Into the same networked database?
The recommendation is not to do this as postgres (or at least the way PT3 uses it) is not thread-safe. A few people have reported that they have done this without problems, but we can't guarentee the safety of the database.
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