jgoldseth wrote:Wow their e-feelings are hurt, guess what I threw away $80 on this software which was fradulently released as 'ready'.
Software that works great for me and many others. Others that are too busy playing poker to post on this forum.
jgoldseth wrote:I also have lost a good deal on the tables trying futilely to get the HUD to work as my games all freeze/crash.
I have had the HUD crash on me. Not once has it ever froze a game in such a way that would prevent play.
jgoldseth wrote:If they offered me a refund I would be willing to let the rest go, but they are keeping my money and advising me to join the beta test team and work for them for free. LOL great guys.
You are a native English speaker, but it appears you have trouble grasping the nuances of the language. They asked you to submit bug reports so that they could respond to your issues. You've failed to take the most basic trouble shooting steps there are. This is exactly what any software company in the world would ask of you if you were having trouble with their products. It is not an unreasonable request.