PT3: Problems with HU SNG's

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PT3: Problems with HU SNG's

Postby pete fabrizio » Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:52 pm

So I just started experimenting with PT3 yesterday, and have already run into a lot of bugs.

First, I imported about 50,000 hands, all from heads up sng's on Full Tilt.

1) On the "Position" tab, my "Call PFR" in the BB is 0. Way wrong.

2) On the "General" tab, under "Player Statistics," my "Fold BB to Steal" is around 50%. Also way wrong. I know my stats in the BB, and that's not close. That's juicy. I tried to work around this using custom statistics, but pretty much failed. In fact, I experimented with a lot of custom stats, and most worked fine, but pretty much anything which relied on calling out of the BB was badly skewed, no matter how I tried to do the calculation.

3) Speaking of statistics, Donk Flop seems to be missing. I was going to try to create it myself, but couldn't since "Called BB" was so inaccurate.

Next, I imported another 20,000 hands or so from Pokerstars, mostly Husng, but 5000 or so of which were from other tournaments or sng. I aliased the account to my FT one, and then I was only interested in heads up stats at the moment, so I added the "With 2 players" filter.

4) That didn't work. The button through 7 hands are still visible on the position tab, and are still being counted in the Player statistics frame on the General tab.

5) I tried applying the Full Tilt filter just to get rid of all the stars hands, but no dice. They're still there.

This is where it gets really weird. I undid the alias because I just wanted to work w/ hu numbers, even if it meant excluding the stars hands.

6) Still no dice, the stars hands are still being counted in the statistics in those spots at least.

7) Oddly enough, however, if I go to the Position page and click on any position other than SB or BB, and then click on any of the hands that show up in the "Postion Hands" frame, no hands come up in the "Position Hands Detail" frame.

8) However, if I click on the BB or SB, and on a hand in the hands frame, all of those hands DO show up in the Detail frame, regardless of whether from Full Tilt or Stars.

There were some other problems but I wasn't really keeping track, so I may come back if I think of them or run into any more. I also have at least one minor feature suggestions:

9) On the "vs Player" screen, it would be nice to have an option to list "amount won from" and "amount lost to" in terms of bb. For tournaments it's kind of useless the way it is, for obvious reasons. And I noticed there's no ability to really customize that panel except to remove the columns that are already there.
pete fabrizio
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:53 pm

Re: PT3: Problems with HU SNG's

Postby Josh » Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:03 pm

Can you please attach the hand histories of a number of different HU SnGs to a support ticket? Link to this thread. I'll go through and resolve these issues.
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