What's going on with my Party HHs?

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What's going on with my Party HHs?

Postby NickyOD » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:01 pm

Everything was going great with PT3 beta v8 yesterday. Today importing is a mess.

Initially I today I was four tabling and the hud would only come up for two of the tables so I stopped playing to try and figure out why.

My Party HH is being stored in the c:/program files\partygaming\partypoker folder. I'm pretty sure this wasn't always the case and that party HHs used to be stored in a further subdirectory \handhistory\username\date.

So I then opened up only one table started the import and it worked fine along with the hud. Then I opened up further tables again and this time no HH was imported for any more tables, only the first one. I have no idea where the HH files for the other tables are.

Then I open up PT2 and it imports the HH for all the tables without any problems. I don't know how PT2 managed this.

Can anyone help?
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Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:51 am

Re: What's going on with my Party HHs?

Postby Josh » Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:05 pm

What directory or directories do you have PT3 configured to read from?
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Re: What's going on with my Party HHs?

Postby NickyOD » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:06 am

c:\program files\partygaming\partypoker and c:\program files\partygaming\partypoker\handhistory
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:51 am

Re: What's going on with my Party HHs?

Postby Josh » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:14 am

I think Party has screwed up. Try uninstalling and reinstalling Party and reconfigure it to save hands. Then let PT3 auto-configure the directories, replacing what you have set.
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