HUD alignment issue, request for personal stats feature

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HUD alignment issue, request for personal stats feature

Postby brizzology » Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:00 pm

I've noticed a few issues with the HUD:

- On my FTP 6-max tourney tables, the player displays are not lined up with the players. After I manually drag them to the appropriate place, the hole card display still shows up in the prior location, making it difficult to determine which cards belong to which player. Even after lining everything up, the stats get misaligned again after about 10-15 minutes of play, or when a new opponent sits down.

When I initially installed PT, the HUD was lining up properly, and this just started after a few days of use. Restarting PT does not make the issue go away. Strangely, my full ring tourney table is running at the same time, just fine.

- The HUD does not display my own stats during tourney play, though it does display during cash game play. It would be useful to see my own stats to know what my image is, etc. Better yet, it would be nice if you could right-click on your own stats and choose "show stats at this table only", in cases where you're only interested in your image since you've sat down or been moved to a new table, such as tourney play.
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Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:19 am

Re: HUD alignment issue, request for personal stats feature

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:26 pm

brizzology wrote:- On my FTP 6-max tourney tables, the player displays are not lined up with the players. After I manually drag them to the appropriate place, the hole card display still shows up in the prior location, making it difficult to determine which cards belong to which player. Even after lining everything up, the stats get misaligned again after about 10-15 minutes of play, or when a new opponent sits down.

This has already fixed for Beta 9 which should be out by the end of the weekend...

- The HUD does not display my own stats during tourney play, though it does display during cash game play. It would be useful to see my own stats to know what my image is, etc. Better yet, it would be nice if you could right-click on your own stats and choose "show stats at this table only", in cases where you're only interested in your image since you've sat down or been moved to a new table, such as tourney play.

This feature has been already added for Beta 9 ;) We are on top of it...

Best regards,

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Re: HUD alignment issue, request for personal stats feature

Postby brizzology » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:17 pm

sweet, sorry for the duplicate info...PT3 rocks.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:19 am

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