HUD has dependency on auto-importing

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Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Postby Josh » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:14 pm

The current import routine cannot handle multiple instances of PT3 importing into the same database. We plan on changing this, but for now it's a bad idea and can cause corruption in the data.

The Hud in the latest beta can now read from multiple databases (it doesn't have to be the one you are importing into if you don't want).
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Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Postby Sreip » Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:50 pm

Josh wrote:The Hud in the latest beta can now read from multiple databases (it doesn't have to be the one you are importing into if you don't want).

That sounds good, I am a bit confused as to how to set it up.

PTv3.00 Beta9

You have a default database set by MenuItem/Database/SetActoveDatabase - which incidently I suspect should have a tick to indicate active database.

You also have on the AutoImport tab, a Datbase box with
tickbox Override Defaults (not implemented yet)
Import Played Hands -> dropdown
Import Observed Hands -> dropdown.

So that gives three databases you can set. Is this what you mean, and what does setting these do?

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Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Postby Josh » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:33 pm

The active database is what the tracker connects to in order to show your data. The import databases are just for that. To change the databases the Hud reads from, click the PT icon on one of your tables and choose Configure Statistics. Under the Hud Options there is a list of your databases. Check the ones you want the Hud to read from.
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