PokerStars Hud all over the place again

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PokerStars Hud all over the place again

Postby LaidBackAl » Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:02 am

I have been having little to no problems on Pokerstars since Beta 9 came out until tonight. I don't know if one problem created the other, but no problems until I got seated at an 8 player table. From that moment on the HUD started going all over the place again like it did in BETA 8. Not only on the 8 player table, but it started doing it on all of my other tables, which weren't 8 player. I would straighten out the HUD to how I like it, save it, and within a couple of hands the HUD would be all messed up all over the place on all tables. Not only that, but then PT started crashing on me. I would fire it back up, and it would crash all over again. I couldn't get it to run for more than 3-4 minutes before the app would crash again. I copied the PT log file and will send it in to support.
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