I've always used Poker Tracker 2 and this is the first beta of Poker Tracker 3 that I have tried. The software looks really nice, but the performance is really lacking. The auto import feature seems to bring everything pretty much to a crawl. My machine specs are as follows:
- 100K Hands
- AMD 2500+
- 1 Gig DDR
- ATI Radeon 9600 PRo
- ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe (with Sound Stream Sound)
I think I preferred how Poker Tracker 2 allowed you to set the update frequency. God help you if you click the filter button while playing; it takes for ever and all of my tables wouldn't respond (4 tables) for a long while. Also, the HUD doesn't seem to respond all that well, its hit and miss as to whether the drop downs work for the stats.
Overall, I think this will be a big improvement once the performance issues are hud issues are worked out.