Saving HUD configuration

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Saving HUD configuration

Postby Twizz » Sat May 03, 2008 12:51 pm

If this is allready implemented, could someone please point me in the right direction?

It seems like I never know if my HUD configuration is saved. I just made a lot of changes, hit apply. It seemed to be reflected on the table but then it was lost when I hit the save configuration on the table. Also how do I do if I want multiple profiles (limit/NL etc).

It would be nice to be able to copy one profile to another since color ranges for some stats will be the same across multiple profiles.

As I said, this might allready be doable, maybe I just haven't found it. I haven't found the 'treat as 6-max' that people are talking about either...

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Re: Saving HUD configuration

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 03, 2008 1:02 pm

To save your layout hit PT-icon -> Save Layout (sounds like you've found that?). To get this saved layout on other tables you need to PT-icon -> Reset them. New tables you open should use the same layout.

"Treat as 6-max" is an option on the PT-icon again, for sites that need it.

There aren't different profiles for limit and NL yet, but I too hope there will be!
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Re: Saving HUD configuration

Postby adamg » Sat May 03, 2008 8:30 pm

You'll have to excuse the rant, but doesn't the fact that people have to post on the forums in order to figure out how to do this concern the PT3 developers? Software should be intuitive, easy-to-use, and not require any sort of expertise in order to accomplish a task. When someone saves the layout on one table, wouldn't it make sense to apply that layout to other similar tables on the same site? This would alleviate the (IMO) counterintuitive step of having to reset settings in order for them to take effect.
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Re: Saving HUD configuration

Postby APerfect10 » Sat May 03, 2008 9:20 pm

adamg wrote:You'll have to excuse the rant, but doesn't the fact that people have to post on the forums in order to figure out how to do this concern the PT3 developers? Software should be intuitive, easy-to-use, and not require any sort of expertise in order to accomplish a task. When someone saves the layout on one table, wouldn't it make sense to apply that layout to other similar tables on the same site? This would alleviate the (IMO) counterintuitive step of having to reset settings in order for them to take effect.

This is a beta and clearly not all features have been implemented. We plan on adding this functionality where when you save the layout is applies to other similar tables. It simply has not yet been implemented...

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