PT3 lags multitabling

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PT3 lags multitabling

Postby jchysk » Sat May 03, 2008 10:21 pm

I'm not sure if it's the Hud or the autoimporting, but when I have 24+ tables up on Pokerstars it lags very heavily. It probably starts having a noticeable effect around 12 tables. I have a very fast computer and PT2 + PAH has always worked fine. I'm starting to think it's the importing that's slowing everything down though because it reads in hands very slowly when autoimporting although manual imports are very fast. Perhaps there should be a feature that allows you to run the Hud without importing.
As a side note I do have about 12 stats per player on the Hud. I don't know how much that would affect it.
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Re: PT3 lags multitabling

Postby APerfect10 » Sun May 04, 2008 12:00 pm

We are aware of some performance issues in this latest beta which we are working to resolve.

If you would like to replicate the problem then send us the 'PokerTracker.log' file (located in your main PokerTracker 3 directory) via the Support system it would greatly assist us in resolving the issue.

Best regards,

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Re: PT3 lags multitabling

Postby jchysk » Sun May 04, 2008 7:42 pm

Alright, I deleted the old Log file which was 37mb after just 2 days... and did a very short 24 table cash game session at low stakes. Something I noticed this time around was that as more tables were brought up and the the HUD started reading them in it lagged more heavily like before, but when I ended the session after a couple rotations the lag kept up for a little while until it was probably back down to 6 or so tables. At the peak of the session when I had all tables active the lag got so bad to where I actually missed a couple hands and ended up sitting out at those tables.
I uploaded the PokerTracker.log file in the support section like you requested and referenced it to this forum post.
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Re: PT3 lags multitabling

Postby dgmt » Sun May 04, 2008 7:58 pm

he has same problem as me,


i didnt have time to test it yet
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Re: PT3 lags multitabling

Postby tclark828 » Sun May 04, 2008 8:07 pm

I'm getting a lot of lag 9 tabling FR on FTP. I'm also having all sorts of HUD issues.... It disappears and just doesnt show up on half of the tables. The lag would make anything over 12 tabling unplayable.
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Re: PT3 lags multitabling

Postby Josh » Sun May 04, 2008 11:14 pm

All these issues should be resolved in the next beta.
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