some beta 11 HUD bugs

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some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby dgmt » Wed May 07, 2008 6:43 am

win xp, pokerstars

this happens when hud is on:
1) it freezes all pokersoftware windows and pokertracker while resizing windows for like 4-5s
2) when i have "use stats from actual limit" (or something like that) on, none stats are displayed
3) when i hit refresh in pt3, it freezes all pokersoft and pt3 windows until refresh is done (like 10s)
4) pokertracker.exe process process usage jumps up to:
8 tables: 30%
9 t.: 50%
10 t.: 90%
(i didnt try more tables yet)

with 8 tables it runs smoothly but with 9 t. it lags sometimes, 10t. it lags quite often but it's playable

i had problems with lag in previous versions

also my .log has 38MB (?), i installed this version over existing one, dunno if .log is cleared with every start or it's some trash from previous versions
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby Josh » Wed May 07, 2008 9:27 am

1. How many tables do you have open when you do this?
2. Please reproduce and attach the PokerTracker.log file to a support ticket. Be sure to include a description of your problem.
3. I'll be making some changes in the future (likely just after commercial release) that will eliminate this issue.
4. How fast is your computer? If you don't start the Hud with auto-import, does the CPU usage still go like that?

The log file is cleared every time you start PT3. Please try zipping the log file before attaching it to the support ticket.
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby dgmt » Wed May 07, 2008 10:31 am

1) 8 tables, switching to 10 tables layout and back
2) it's not such a problem for me, i had new database with only actual limit, should i still make a ticket?
3) -
4) 3000+, 1GB DDR, 24 tables with AHK hud works fine
if you mean running autoimport without hud then everything is ok, it happens only with hud on
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby Josh » Wed May 07, 2008 9:54 pm

1. Can you try with fewer tables? How many tables does it take for this problem to manifest?

2. Yes, I still would like to see the log file.
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby dgmt » Thu May 08, 2008 9:47 am

1) sorry for confusing, resizing 1 table is ok, but when i resize 3+ tables usilin "tile tables" or switching layout it freezes for a moment

2) the log file is on rapidshare, link is in 1st post, if you cant download it i ll have to download it myself and send thru ticket
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby lutzio » Thu May 08, 2008 1:04 pm

Played 8 tables on Party now, lag was super high, unplayable that way.
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby dgmt » Thu May 08, 2008 4:28 pm

i terminated pt3 process during layout-switching-freeze and then launch pt3 again, "processed" hh files wasnt move and it started lag very hard so it seems like some autoimport/hud collision, i had stopped hud and lag was gone
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby dgmt » Thu May 08, 2008 9:06 pm

some new bugs i ve discovered:

a) i have 2 displays and hud pop for players near border between displayes is displayed half on one and half on second screen
b) for some players near bottom of screen some stats cant be seen (are out of display)
c) after some hands when stats are shown for first time for current table, only one group of stats is shown (the "vpip/pf/af/hands" group,i have 2 groups, second is with some advanced stats) for some/all players. when i resize window all stats suddenly appear
d) sometimes all stats suddenly disapear for some player/s and are displayed after one round of blinds (resizing table doesnt affect this)

and sometimes it lags pretty hard when more hands are finished at the same time (autoimport/hud bug?)
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby dgmt » Sat May 10, 2008 9:02 am

is someone reading this or it's dead topic? some bugs i mentioned are quite anoying

and one little suggestion: adding hud stats should be drag&drop because it takes ages to add even one more stats to pop up
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Re: some beta 11 HUD bugs

Postby Josh » Sat May 10, 2008 10:49 am

Guys we are swamped here. We don't have time to read and answer forum questions all throughout the day, but that doesn't mean we're ignoring you.

These are all problems I am aware of with the Hud. They will be resolved.
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