Convert from PT2 includes purged data.

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Convert from PT2 includes purged data.

Postby chubber8 » Sun May 11, 2008 12:17 am

Hey guys, I haven't found any threads that helped with this, but maybe someone knows.

I created a PT2 postgres database that I was using for all my play. I had decided to use it just for my tournament play and so I purged all the ring game information from it.

Now in PT3 I'm trying to convert the PT2 postgres database into PT3 and it is including all 300,000 ring game hands that I thought was purged. I've tried exploring the database in pgadmin 3, but I don't know what tables I could delete in that.

Anyone know how I could completely remove any reference of these ring games from my PT2 postgres database so I could convert what I want into PT3?
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Re: Convert from PT2 includes purged data.

Postby APerfect10 » Sun May 11, 2008 1:46 am

I do not have a PT2 PostgreSQL database on my machine but if my recollection is correct, PT2 only deletes the hands information and leaves behind the hand history (which is why they are being imported into PT3).

I think this should work. Do a DELETE from your hand history table and INNER JOIN the hands table with a WHERE of the hands table data is NULL.

If that does not make sense, I would advise waiting until we get the advanced purge option added into PT3 which should be very soon.

Best regards,

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