Same player, different stats?

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Same player, different stats?

Postby DK115 » Sun May 11, 2008 11:33 am


I have a "strange" effect. when playing on 6 tables, it happens that on two differnet tables you have the same villian. On more than one occasion they have different stats. Like numbers of hands are not the same. Difference is much bigger then can be expected for a update-time difference on both tables. Do not have a screen shot at this time, but I will try to get one. Known problem?
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Re: Same player, different stats?

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 11, 2008 11:50 am

How far apart are the number of hands, and how many hands does the villain have (you can get latest figure on Texas Holdem tab if you click Refresh and find their name)?
Stats on the HUD are now only updated for every few hands - see the HUD Options tab, refresh rates - the more hands they have the less frequently their stats are updated, so this can cause different number of hands to be shown on different tables.
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