PT3 Error on First Start

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Re: PT3 Error on First Start

Postby _dave_ » Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:57 am

[quote="ozora tsubasa"4tb][quote="Pokaholic"4tb]

Now, I want to import the remainder of my Stars play. I have an archive folder with 4,664 files and a size of 437 MB. Should I import in stages or all at once. Would this be a good/smart test???[/quote4tb]

I ran into a few handhistory files crashing PT when importing 5k files. If this happens, look at the file number from import window when the crash happens. Then sort the files in your handhistory folder w.r.t filename. The first X many files are already imported according to the number you see at crash time. You can move these away to another folder. Either the last file of that batch or the X+1st file is the problem one. Try finding which one by importing these files individually and reproducing the error. Send the problem file to PT people by submitting a support ticket. Then import your handhistory folder once again with the remaining handhistory files.[/quote4tb]

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Re: PT3 Error on First Start

Postby ozora tsubasa » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:24 am

Sometimes the number you see on the import statistics during the crash lags behind a few files of the actual number of the file which causes the crash. Like here it shows 15 files were imported, but in reality it could have been any 14+X within a reasonable range: [img5h2][/img5h2]

To locate the file which caused the crash, another way is to look at the last filename displayed in import status window:

But sometimes the filename isn't shown there, or the PT window freezes etc.
In that case you can go to your PokerTracker 3 folder and open the PokerTracker.log file. Go to the last few lines:

[quote5h2]2008/00/25 01:08:09.352: [00001316][PostgresConnection (Error)] Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "hhs-unique_hand_no" CONTEXT: COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 1: "1679277 300 1 42 [b5h2]4448953210[/b5h2] 2007/12/09 23:27:58 2008/01/25 01:08:09 6 4 0 0 8.00 0.40 0.07 0 254 4 1..." )[/quote5h2]

4448953210 is the hand number of a hand from the problem file. To locate this file, you can search your handhistory folder for the file containing the text "4448953210", and you have your file :)
ozora tsubasa
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Re: PT3 Error on First Start

Postby Scoundrel » Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:23 am

I just wanted to let you know that I installed PT3 without the PostgreSql DB (I use PostGre with PT2)
and had no problems with the install or manually importing about 5k hands.

I have Windows XP Pro with SP2.
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Re: PT3 Error on First Start

Postby Trimax » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:09 am

I have also tried to install the PT3 with postgreSQL beta version 2 and it occurs the same error (XML parsing error: 'sintax error' al line 1).

I also have the CA Security Center.
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Re: PT3 Error on First Start

Postby Josh » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:15 am

You'll need to disable it until I can find some way to work around it.
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