stats not displayed (refresh not working)

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stats not displayed (refresh not working)

Postby davo » Sun May 11, 2008 8:57 am

hi guys.

i was single-tabling pokerstars, using the hud, and it was working fine (unlike when multitabling, but i guess you already know the issues with the hud stability and stats missing, that really is broken)

anyways, the hud was correctly displaying the stats, but if i wanted to check the stats on the main "texas hold em" tab, well, they were not there, and the refresh button didn't help.

so i stopped playing, checked the processed files directory, and the hands were there (and that made sense since the hud displayed correct stats for the session).
then i tried to re-import all files in the processed folder. no errors, and every hand was a duplicate. (again, the refresh button didn't help)

so i just restarted pokertracker, and after that the stats were there and correctly displayed...

is this normal?

anyways i'm surprised that in 4 days it will be the commercial release of PT3.. it's an amazing software, i love it, but it still has so many bugs (especially regarding the hud... multitabling on stars is a suicide)
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Joined: Sun May 11, 2008 8:33 am

Re: stats not displayed (refresh not working)

Postby Josh » Tue May 13, 2008 9:54 am

The missing stats issue has been resolved for the next release.

That's an extremely odd problem. Did you have any filters set? Did you maybe switch active databases and forget?

but it still has so many bugs

The Hud bugs should be mostly gone by Thursday. The lag problems (which aren't really bugs, technically) will be resolved as soon after as I can possibly get it done.
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