SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby mossback1 » Sun May 11, 2008 10:49 am

Sorry but having problems posting screen shot. I hit `print-screen', then run mspaint, then CTL-V to paste, but size too large to post, so I box cut paste smaller portion to new mspaint page, save as jpg (no longer saving as bit map), then I FTP'd fiel to web jost (where I have some web page images located) and then tried to insert to posting and get error message saying `can't determine dimensions'.

Earlier the error message read that image was too large and needed to be no more than 600 x 800 pixels, and when reduced and the `no dimensions' error occurred, I added height and width details as per html web page but to no effect. I originally tested jpg by posting image to web page which worked there.
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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby mossback1 » Sun May 11, 2008 11:11 am

Uploaded image to different web host: (tested this line on web page today)

<img src="" width="800" height="600">
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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby mossback1 » Sun May 11, 2008 11:19 am

Images are working now from different web host. (go figure!)

Image 1: shows multiple listings with 1st place wins, but as I won entries to other tourn. or tournament dollars, I get no credit for win in stats.


Image 2: prior to May 1st, my wins resulted in no ststs except entry times and duration

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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby Beeblebreed » Sun May 11, 2008 5:00 pm

I tried that, but it's not working.
Do I have to change the E-Mail into another format?

I get the following message importng:

2008/05/11 22:48:21: Import beginning
2008/05/11 22:48:21: Import file: C:\poker\PokerStars Tournament History Request - Last200 tournaments.eml
2008/05/11 22:48:21: Unrecognized file format.
2008/05/11 22:48:21: Import complete. 0 hands in 1 file were imported. (0 errors, 0 duplicates)

prajna wrote:The winnings from a tourney, whether you place first or any other place do not automatically go into your database because its not in the hand histories. The hand histories do not tell us when someone leaves the tourney and what their payout was. To correct this, you need to request the tournament summaries from stars under the requests drop down menu. Once you receive that email, save it and manually import it into PT3 by going to the manual import tab, selecting import from file(s), and then selecting the saved email. The database will then update your stats and the stats of everyone else you have record of who placed in the tourney.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 11, 2008 5:07 pm

Yes, copy/paste the contents of that email into a text file, and import that.
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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby Josh » Tue May 13, 2008 10:13 am

mossback1 wrote:Images are working now from different web host. (go figure!)

Image 1: shows multiple listings with 1st place wins, but as I won entries to other tourn. or tournament dollars, I get no credit for win in stats.


Image 2: prior to May 1st, my wins resulted in no ststs except entry times and duration


If you aren't winning cash, PT3 can't show a positive ROI, since you didn't win any money. If you won a seat into another tournament, you can edit the results to have the amount won be the price of entry into the tournament. I forget the exact day, but FTP only recently added tournament summaries. All tournaments before that must be manually entered.
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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby mossback1 » Tue May 13, 2008 11:20 am

From my files, it appears as if Full Tilt began producing Summary pages as of May 1st.

As I did not earn real cash in most of the SNGs, how do I edit the Session to be credit with value of win of $10+1 entries or $10+1 in tournament dollars?
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Re: SNG Satellite Wins = Bad Stats & Times

Postby Josh » Tue May 13, 2008 11:57 am

Go to the Tournaments menu and choose Enter Results. Find the tournament and edit the Amount Won data.
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