Re: Serious Tourney erro

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Re: Serious Tourney erro

Postby dj11 » Tue May 13, 2008 5:38 pm


In that post I described a single tourney in my database that shows 58,000 + entrants, and several other oddities.

It was a 4 table tourney I believe.

I am not sure what you want, but am willing to let you do that remote thing you do.
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Re: Serious Tourney erro

Postby WhiteRider » Tue May 13, 2008 5:46 pm

Josh wrote:If you don't mind, please attach the tournament hands and summary to a support ticket. I'd like to see if I can replicate this issue and get it resolved before putting out another release.

Did you do this?
Please bear in mind that the guys are swamped at the moment so a response may take a while.
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Re: Serious Tourney erro

Postby dj11 » Tue May 13, 2008 9:33 pm

I'm more than happy to help, problem is I don't know what he wants. Josh requested the hands, but that particular entry in the database is so whacky, I'm not sure what or how to isolate them.

In my processed folder that particular file looks fine.

My plan is to import all my processed files into PT2, verify that there is or is not a problem, and then if not, convert to the PT3 database.

The nature of that one entry really suggests a windows problem with linking code issues, but like I said if anyone wants to spend the 20 or 30 minutes to look at it remotely, I'll be happy to help.

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Re: Serious Tourney erro

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 14, 2008 7:57 am

Try creating a new empty database and import just that tournament and see if you get the same problem. If so, submit the file(s) to the support system so it can be investigated.
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Re: Serious Tourney erro

Postby dj11 » Wed May 14, 2008 10:59 am

I just did that.

Copied the file to my desktop, created a new database, closed PT3, reopened PT3. Had to do that in order for the new database to be available.
Imported ONLY that file.

It imported fine, WITHOUT any errors!

This leads me to believe that I can not provide you with any useful info in tracking down the cause this problem. I can remember there were some extenuating events which may have been related, but only a forensic Hard Disk specialist might be able to track down the events.

A short history;
Early betas I had to stop, and then restart postgres in order for PT3 to work. Derek verified the problem, but no solution was found. He thought it might be my OS. This problem persisted thru several betas.
At some point in Feb, or March, I defragmented my disk. Errors were found. I do NOT know if I had the database problem at that time or not. I may have.

Somewhere (as memory serves) around beta 7, that problem disappeared. At first I associated it with some tweak the programmers did, but it could have been the defragmenting, and a full beta download, giving me a fresh start. Conjecture.

It wasn't until I started manually entering some of my tourney results that I came across this particular bad tourney. Incidentally, it is one where I was in the money, so that result is not computed in my graphs or winnings because that tourney is whacked out.

It was then I suggested some way to delete specific entries.

End short history.

My current plan is to process all my PT3 processed hands into PT2, then convert to the PT3 format. I am awaiting my PT2 codes. They were supposed to show up yesterday, they did not.

Edit add;

I just tried to manually import only that hand OVER the existing tourney in my database. Nothing changed, it showed me 63 duplicates, with no errors, and no files imported.

If there is some way to export only this tourney from the database, you might get some useful info. But looking thru that tourney, and the results some players whom I know were playing that game when I have never played them at that format.

Since this did happen twice, the latest being when I was required to create a new database with beta 10, It might reproduce when I do either the next beta, or the final release which I have already pre-purchased. It will be the first thing I look at, and if at that point it exists, then I think the log file will be useful.In which case you will get those items straight away.

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Re: Serious Tourney erro

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 14, 2008 3:01 pm

Thanks - good work!
As you say, I doubt we can conclude anything from this if it imports ok to a fresh DB. At the moment there is no selective export.
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Re: Serious Tourney erro

Postby dj11 » Thu May 15, 2008 9:22 pm

Update. While waiting impatiently for the big moment I created a new database this morning, and re-imported all my processed files into beta 11.

Even tho the exact same problem occurred in both my earlier database, and the first version of my database (beta 10?) when we were forced to start a fresh database, the problem did not reproduce this morning.

Nor did it reproduce this afternoon with build 1.

So if there is a ticket for this, close it.

All seems well.

Thanks for your help.
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