Where I can find latest version of the PT3 Database Schema?

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Where I can find latest version of the PT3 Database Schema?

Postby kpalych » Fri May 16, 2008 6:23 am

Good day!

Where I can find latest version of the PT3 Database Schema?

After downloading folow the link http://www.pokertracker.com/products/PT ... Schema.pdf I get OLD Database Schema... In th last release of PT3 many tables had another structure :cry:

Please tel me where I can find LAST version of PT3 Database Schema.

PS: Why in Help menu I can not find item "Documentation" and Instalation package do not inclue Documentation?
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Re: Where I can find latest version of the PT3 Database Schema?

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 9:48 am

The documentation has not yet been updated. We're pretty swamped right now with support issues, so we haven't had time to update it yet.
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Re: Where I can find latest version of the PT3 Database Schema?

Postby pokerrow » Fri May 16, 2008 11:41 am

Small thing, but when you do update it, if there is any way to highlight the schema changes since the last version of the documentation, that would be *SO* nice. After spending a fair amount of time going over the first version of the schema doc, I'd love to just focus on the deltas.
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