Few problems with PT 3

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Few problems with PT 3

Postby Stasek » Fri May 16, 2008 7:33 am

These are problems I encountered so far:

1. "Attempt to steal" and "folded BB to steal" is always 0. I'm pretty sure it was working in beta 10 or 11.

2. I played 1 table today, against same opponent, but in 'sessions' it is treated as 3 sessions. It looks something like:
Start Time, End Time, Table
12:15 12:16 Elam
12:13 12:14 Elam
11:38 12:12 Elam

3. This seems serious: when PT 3 is autoimporting, my BET POT script doesnt work. Other helper software called 'Full Tilt Shortcuts' also doesn't work.
The moment I click 'Stop Auto Import' - it starts working perfectly.
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Re: Few problems with PT 3

Postby Stasek » Fri May 16, 2008 7:57 am

2. I played 1 table today, against same opponent, but in 'sessions' it is treated as 3 sessions. It looks something like:
Start Time, End Time, Table
12:15 12:16 Elam
12:13 12:14 Elam
11:38 12:12 Elam

Could it be because I stopped and then resumed auto-importing few times while playing?
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Re: Few problems with PT 3

Postby Josh » Fri May 16, 2008 9:57 am

1. This was a problem with beta 11 but should be fixed with an import into a new database with the commercial release.

2. Stopping auto-import shouldn't cause this. Can you attach the hand history for this table to a support ticket? Be sure to reference this thread.
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Re: Few problems with PT 3

Postby Stasek » Fri May 16, 2008 2:25 pm

Josh wrote:2. Stopping auto-import shouldn't cause this. Can you attach the hand history for this table to a support ticket? Be sure to reference this thread.

At the end of the session I think I posted blinds manually (had 'auto post blinds' checkbox unchecked'), so full tilt created 3 hand history files. I think this could be helpful
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Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:36 pm

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