Missing PT V2 hands

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Missing PT V2 hands

Postby TBenBaker » Fri May 16, 2008 10:56 pm

I converted my poker tracker 2 databse from the "databse" dropdown in PT3 and I let it import. If I look at the manual import window it says it has successfully imported 350k+ hands but then when I look at my stats in "Holdem" it shows less than 90K, and they are all from a long time ago because if I filter to show only hands this year it says that I have not played. Wondering what the problem might be. Thanks.
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Re: Missing PT V2 hands

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 5:09 am

Some (most?) of those 350k hands could be observed hands?
How many hands does PT2 say that you personally played?
Did you only have 1 PT2 database, if you started a new one for recent hands and imported the old one then you wouldn't see the new hands.. If you have multiple DBs in PT2 you'll need to convert them all.
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Re: Missing PT V2 hands

Postby TBenBaker » Sat May 17, 2008 5:27 am

No I only have 1 PT 2 database and the 350k+ hands I am talking about are only ones I've played, I don't even know whether it converted hands ive mined, I doubt it because it would have been well more than that number. Thats not as big a deal though cause I can mine again, but not being able to see any of my stats for the year more of an issue. I started to convert again to see if that would do anything but it just started registering everything as duplicates so I stopped it. One interesting note is that the number of hands it did register is within a few thousand of the number ive played on PokerStars, my fulltilt name came second and I had to add it as an alias but ive played about 290k on fulltilt. However I played lower limits on stars and it has hands from the highest stakes I've played so I don't think the site is the difference. It sort of seems like an arbitrary 88k hands it registered but In in the import window it claimed to have converted all of them.
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Re: Missing PT V2 hands

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 6:03 am

OK, let's cover the basics: What build of PT3 are you using? Did you create a new database for this? Did you click Refresh and Clear after the import, to make sure it's up to date with no filters set?
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Re: Missing PT V2 hands

Postby TBenBaker » Sat May 17, 2008 6:54 pm

Build 2. I just hit refresh and clear and looked again and I have 84k hands, which I think is less than yestarday but I guess I probably just missremembered the number. I created a folder for exported fulltilt hands and I put all my handhistories from october to now in there and it was 647k hands (including mining), so I was going to export them and manually import them in PT3 but its going to take many hours so Im going to wait till when I can let my computer sit for a while, do you think this will work or will it just register the histories as duplicates? Do you know a better way?
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Re: Missing PT V2 hands

Postby TBenBaker » Sat May 17, 2008 7:18 pm

While I'm here...I just started up PT3 and opened a fulltilt table to see if my HUD was alright and everything was exactly where I wanted it, except that the stats were on people who were not playing. They were not people who I played with earlier, and it did not fix itself after waiting for it to import new hands. Next to one persons seat it had the stats of a completely different player, I do not know where it got the names from. Is there any way to make PokerAce display the PT3 stats, I like some of the new stuff but having great information on people I'm not sitting with is not very useful. Thanks.
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Re: Missing PT V2 hands

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 18, 2008 5:50 am

TBenBaker wrote:Build 2. I just hit refresh and clear and looked again and I have 84k hands, which I think is less than yestarday but I guess I probably just missremembered the number. I created a folder for exported fulltilt hands and I put all my handhistories from october to now in there and it was 647k hands (including mining), so I was going to export them and manually import them in PT3 but its going to take many hours so Im going to wait till when I can let my computer sit for a while, do you think this will work or will it just register the histories as duplicates? Do you know a better way?

Yes, this should work - you will only get duplicates for hands that are already in your PT3 database, but this doesn't cause any problems.

TBenBaker wrote:While I'm here...I just started up PT3 and opened a fulltilt table to see if my HUD was alright and everything was exactly where I wanted it, except that the stats were on people who were not playing. They were not people who I played with earlier, and it did not fix itself after waiting for it to import new hands. Next to one persons seat it had the stats of a completely different player, I do not know where it got the names from. Is there any way to make PokerAce display the PT3 stats, I like some of the new stuff but having great information on people I'm not sitting with is not very useful. Thanks.

If you can reproduce this problem, please try and get a screenshot and submit your log file to the Support system.
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