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TBenBaker wrote:Build 2. I just hit refresh and clear and looked again and I have 84k hands, which I think is less than yestarday but I guess I probably just missremembered the number. I created a folder for exported fulltilt hands and I put all my handhistories from october to now in there and it was 647k hands (including mining), so I was going to export them and manually import them in PT3 but its going to take many hours so Im going to wait till when I can let my computer sit for a while, do you think this will work or will it just register the histories as duplicates? Do you know a better way?
TBenBaker wrote:While I'm here...I just started up PT3 and opened a fulltilt table to see if my HUD was alright and everything was exactly where I wanted it, except that the stats were on people who were not playing. They were not people who I played with earlier, and it did not fix itself after waiting for it to import new hands. Next to one persons seat it had the stats of a completely different player, I do not know where it got the names from. Is there any way to make PokerAce display the PT3 stats, I like some of the new stuff but having great information on people I'm not sitting with is not very useful. Thanks.
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