PT3 only able to view part of my stats

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PT3 only able to view part of my stats

Postby ryanghall » Sun May 18, 2008 1:42 am

I have imported all my hands from files using manual import. I have checked the files and they should be all there. However, there are some extremely odd errors.

1) Under Texas Holdem - Tournaments - General, it is only showing my results for about the 1st half of 2006. The tournament number played is exactly 1600 (I have around 9K tourney summaries that actually imported). The really odd thing is that under the top tab that says Tournaments - Enter Results, they're all there! HOWEVER, only for the 1st half of 2006 does my name show up in the tournament histories. After that, my name and finishing position don't show up! I'll type out an example of a corrupt $335 buyin SNG summary where I would have come 1st:

2 dave3318 $850.50
3 River Prayer $567.00
4 zippy52
5 blackbeard17
7 Bonsy
9 mao15

Notice that the 1st place and 6th place players are missing. When I look at the same file in my directory where I imported from, the file is fine and has my name in it. Notice that 6th place player, poker_in_pb is also missing.

PokerStars Tournament #57059352, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $315.00/$20.00
9 players
Total Prize Pool: $2835.00
Tournament started - 2007/08/01 - 00:02:56 (ET)
Tournament finished - 2007/08/01 - 00:42:52 (ET)
1: ryanghall (Hamilton), $1417.50 (50%)
2: dave3318 (Coram), $850.50 (30%)
3: River Prayer (San Francisco), $567.00 (20%)
4: zippy52 (the woodlands),
5: blackbeard17 (rockville),
6: poker_in_pb (San Diego),
7: Bonsy (Marquette),
9: mao15 (Scottsdale),

So, I guess I need to know why this is happening and how to fix it. Weird bug.

Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:13 pm

Re: PT3 only able to view part of my stats

Postby ryanghall » Sun May 18, 2008 1:56 am

I also just realized that the last tournament recorded was May 17, 2006. EXACTLY 2 years ago from when we started doing this. That's too much of a coincidence and clearly is part of the bug I'm guessing? (And yes, my computer is set to the right time :)
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:13 pm

Re: PT3 only able to view part of my stats

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 18, 2008 6:15 am

Just to make sure, please click Clear and Refresh on the main tab, this should ensure everything is shown up to date.
If you still can't see some results, please reproduce the problem and submit your PokerTracker.log to the Support system.
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