HUD makes playing impossible

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HUD makes playing impossible

Postby unseen » Sun May 18, 2008 6:49 am


I am using the new version of PT since yesterday. Having set up everything I started playing 2 tables on PS, but as soon as I started the HUD it took just a couple of minutes and playing was nearly impossible. I have a slight overlap on my tables or play them staked in one corner, which both leads to the same situation: I cannot bring the table requiring action to the foreground or sometimes even click a button on the active table.

THe problem seems to disappear as soon as I play the tables without overlap.

Could be connected to the problem in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5465 although it sounds a bit different I could describe my effect as lag too.

Edit: Just FYI: I am on Win XP pro SP2 with latest PT3 and PS.
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Re: HUD makes playing impossible

Postby Smorpher » Sun May 18, 2008 6:57 am


isnt it the same problem as in my thread?
I asked the support and they told me that it will probably be solved within the next few updates when sth like a database cache as in PT2/PA will be implemented.
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Joined: Thu May 08, 2008 6:07 pm

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