i exported my PT2 hands (all 6max) , and imported them to PT3 (manual import). import statistics shows: Errors: 0.
"adjust qualifying table limits" in the auto import rider is checked.
all exported text files have the following lookout: "ipn NL ($0.50) (6 max) 964001265 to 972484756.txt"
the problem is: now in PT 3 i have 2 limits. NL50 (6 max) AND NL50 (2 max).
i never played @ a 2 max table. maybe headsup @ a 6 max table. but i do not want, that these hands are shown as 2 max cuz they are played @ a 6 max table.
ATM i can't purge this "2 max" limit. hopefully this will be implemented later.
so i purged ALL hands ( the only possibility in "Database Management") and imported them with "adjust qualifying table limits" unchecked. now i only have one limit. but NOT 6 max. so when i will play and import a fullring session in the future, i think these hands will be mixed with the 6 max ones.
and when i play and autoimport a session on a 6 max table ("adjust qualifying table limits" checked), i think i will get a brand new limit called NL50 (6 max).

another problem i have with the replayer. when "auto play hands" is checked, the whole program crashes sometimes. with "auto play hands" unchecked, everything is good.