Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

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Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby transbetacism » Sat May 17, 2008 3:20 pm

I just exported all my hands from PT 2 (~400k hands) from various sites, but mostly ongame hands. After importing them to PT 3 (build 2 may 16), the ongame results is way wrong. Instead of showing +$xk, it shows like -$400k. What should I do? The results from the iPoker network is right.
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby kimmo » Sat May 17, 2008 5:01 pm

transbetacism wrote:I just exported all my hands from PT 2 (~400k hands) from various sites, but mostly ongame hands. After importing them to PT 3 (build 2 may 16), the ongame results is way wrong. Instead of showing +$xk, it shows like -$400k. What should I do? The results from the iPoker network is right.

I have the same problem,TOTALLT wrong result. I posted a few hand histories that I found that was way wrong (like -100bb instead of +100bB), so I hope they are working on it, at least they have some info to go on.
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 17, 2008 6:10 pm

Thanks. Hand Histories which are imported incorrectly will help us figure out the problem.
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby Checkov » Sat May 17, 2008 6:28 pm

Was just 10k hands into importing 500k ongame hands, guess I'll hold off.
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby transbetacism » Sat May 17, 2008 8:55 pm

Stats for hand 1 in PT3: Amount won -999, winner [split pot].

Texas Hold'em $10-$20 NL (real money), hand #P4-66472998-309
Table Managua, 28 Apr 2008 8:25 PM ET

Seat 2: DaNclnG_FoOl ($1,067.00 in chips)
Seat 3: SnigelKung ($1,676.30 in chips)
Seat 7: klippset ($980.00 in chips)
Seat 9: ($2,211.75 in chips)
Seat 10: HERO [ AD,AS ] ($1,000.00 in chips)
ANTES/BLINDS posts blind ($5), HERO posts blind ($10).

DaNclnG_FoOl folds, SnigelKung bets $40, klippset folds, folds, HERO bets $110, SnigelKung calls $80.

FLOP [board cards 10S,KC,QC ]
HERO checks, SnigelKung bets $150, HERO bets $880 and is all-in, SnigelKung folds.

HERO wins $1,272
Dealer: klippset
Pot: $1,275, (including rake: $3)
DaNclnG_FoOl loses $0
SnigelKung loses $270
klippset loses $0 loses $5
HERO- bets $1,000, collects $1,272, net $272


Stats for hand 2 in PT3: Amount won -648, winner HERO.

Texas Hold'em $6-$12 NL (real money), hand #P4-64747642-451
Table Seattle, 6 Apr 2008 2:54 PM ET

Seat 3: x Gino29 x ($100.00 in chips)
Seat 4: kivsss ($2,122.45 in chips)
Seat 5: ELFoff ($893.00 in chips)
Seat 6: W221 ($764.00 in chips)
Seat 7: HERO [ AH,AS ] ($649.00 in chips)
W221 posts blind ($3), HERO posts blind ($6).

x Gino29 x bets $12, kivsss calls $12, ELFoff folds, W221 bets $54, HERO bets $118, x Gino29 x folds, kivsss folds, W221 calls $67.

FLOP [board cards 3S,7H,9D ]
W221 checks, HERO bets $185, W221 bets $640 and is all-in, HERO calls $340 and is all-in.

TURN [board cards 3S,7H,9D,KD ]

RIVER [board cards 3S,7H,9D,KD,4S ]

W221 shows [ AC,7S ]
HERO shows [ AH,AS ]
W221 wins $115, HERO wins $1,319
Dealer: ELFoff
Pot: $1,437, (including rake: $3)
x Gino29 x loses $12
kivsss loses $12
ELFoff loses $0
W221 bets $764, collects $115, net $-649
HERO- bets $649, collects $1,319, net $670
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby transbetacism » Sun May 18, 2008 6:19 am

Here's another hand that shows the wrong result.
Stats in PT3: Amount won -661, winner [split pot]

Texas Hold'em $6-$12 NL (real money), hand #P4-63552212-61
Table Bangor, 21 Mar 2008 11:06 PM ET

Seat 1: ajos1111 ($1,040.70 in chips)
Seat 2: xnwo28 ($577.00 in chips)
Seat 3: HERO [ AC,AS ] ($662.00 in chips)
Seat 4: kivsss ($1,258.75 in chips)
ajos1111 posts blind ($3), xnwo28 posts blind ($6).

HERO bets $24, kivsss folds, ajos1111 calls $21, xnwo28 folds.

FLOP [board cards 10C,KC,3C ]
ajos1111 checks, HERO bets $44, ajos1111 bets $88, HERO calls $44.

TURN [board cards 10C,KC,3C,10H ]
ajos1111 bets $54, HERO calls $54.

RIVER [board cards 10C,KC,3C,10H,2C ]
ajos1111 bets $254, HERO bets $496 and is all-in, ajos1111 folds.

HERO wins $1,086.

Dealer: kivsss
Pot: $1,088, (including rake: $2)
ajos1111 loses $420
xnwo28 loses $6
HERO bets $662, collects $1,086, net $424
kivsss loses $0
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 11:53 am

All OnGame import problems should be resolved in the next release. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby Checkov » Sun May 18, 2008 12:15 pm

Will we have to reimport or purge hands?
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Re: Ongame results waaay wrong after importing from PT 2

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 12:29 pm

Yes, unfortunately you will need to purge and re-import.
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