Errors when importing PT2 database to PT3

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Errors when importing PT2 database to PT3

Postby Tomimm » Mon May 19, 2008 3:06 am

I exported my Ongame PT2 database to txt files (300 hands per file) and then manually imported those to PT3. There was 189 errors / 41035 total hands and every error was either Invalid button specified: -1 (Line #xxxx) or Invalid button specified: 0 (Line #xxxx). Anyidea what's problem with those lines and is there anyway to fix it ?
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Re: Errors when importing PT2 database to PT3

Postby WhiteRider » Mon May 19, 2008 5:30 am

Sometimes the hand histories are written incorrectly, so they are probably genuine errors, but please attach a few of these 'bad' hands to the Support system so they can be investigated. Please link to this thread.
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