HUD Problem: Configuration Problem

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HUD Problem: Configuration Problem

Postby tmemmerson » Mon May 19, 2008 9:47 pm

When configuring the HUD stats, I opted to check "display stats from current blind level only." The standard configuration worked smoothly before making this alteration. After making the change, saving the layout, and reseting all my current tournament tables, the HUD only displays "skeleton stats." That is, the stat boxes are displayed, but only the stat title, parentheses, and "/'s". This has gone on for multiple blind levels on multiple tournaments.

Thank you,

T. Emmerson
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:18 pm

Re: HUD Problem: Configuration Problem

Postby prajna » Tue May 20, 2008 2:07 pm

This sounds like a similar problem I have had when I change the number of hands required in a cash game before the hud is shown. Let's say I move from 5 to 50 hands; those who did have stats showing because I have 25 hands of theirs all of a sudden have a skeleton layout instead. However, all I had to do was stop and start the HUD and it resolved the problem.

You are correct, though. This is a bug, but stop-start hud seems to be a work around in the meantime.

~ Thomas
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