Deleting database in trial version.

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Deleting database in trial version.

Postby Flammie » Tue May 20, 2008 2:41 am

I downloaded the trial to test PT3, and converted my PT2 database over to PT3. This removed aprox 1gb harddrive space for the new database created in PT3. Now I want that space back, and I'm not ready to buy PT3 until all my sites are supported, but PT3 wont allow me to delete a database cause its a trial! I tried to purge the database, but even thought it was successful, it did not recover all of the harddisk space.

What am I suppose to do? Will uninstalling PT3 all together delete all databases asosiated with it? I'm NOT buying PT3 just to be able to remove all of its components on my harddrive, cause thats absurd. Also removing PostgreSQL isn't an option cause of my PT2 database (also PostgreSQL).

Help please.
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Re: Deleting database in trial version.

Postby prajna » Tue May 20, 2008 2:34 pm

You can remove the database from postgresql directly. First, please note the name of the database you want to keep, then go to start -> programs -> postgresql -> pgAdmin III. Double click on the postgresql database server in the left side window pane and if prompted, please enter your password. Once, done, select database below that, and look at the names of the databases. Please right click on the one you want to remove and select Delete/Drop. This will remove that database.

Also, you might want to uninstall PT3 just to free up that space as no only does it contain the program, but it also contains your processed hand histories, which can take up some space.

~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]
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