This thread eventually helps with problems..

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This thread eventually helps with problems..

Postby pokercuQa » Tue May 20, 2008 1:19 pm


in the last days I was pretty pissed and got on tilt cos pt3 didnt work properly. PopUp stats didnt work and my computer was slow like crap. Well.. some minutes ago I accidently did something to it and it works absolutely fine for me!

Right after the installation of PT3 the software tried to cluster the whole database. Unfortunately I didnt have enough space left on my harddrive and so an error occured.

However after trying the new software I was pretty much disappointed in it and decided to rather run PT2 as long as PT3 has its difficulties removed. Today I imported some of the played hands while using PT2 into the PT3 database and it clustered again. I've already cleaned the drive so it went through successfully.

I figured I could give it a try again and baem! works perfectly!

Should have clustered the db earlier but whatever.. I hope I could help some others with this thread..

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Re: This thread eventually helps with problems..

Postby prajna » Tue May 20, 2008 3:11 pm

I don't have much time to play poker now, so I don't, but I leave PT3 datamining constantly (18 tables at a time). I have it cluster once a day just to help w/proformance. I also cluster even when I haven't been datamining but have spent some time filtering, looking up stats, watching hands played out in the replayer and this seems to help speed up my system as well.

Thanks for sharing, though. I hope others read this as well.

~ Thomas
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