Bug in tournament section

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Re: Bug in tournament section

Postby SpartanDoug » Tue May 20, 2008 8:21 pm

I'm having the same problem in the tournament section.

I won a satellite a couple days ago and I just won a single table SNG, but all of my results shown are as if I didn't win anything at all. The satellite shows I finished in 1st place and the SNG shows I finished in place "0". Net results of every tourney were negative my buy-in. I play at Full Tilt.

Other unrelated problems I'm having are:
1. my HUD stats come in and out all the time in both cash games and SNGs/Tournaments
2. the HUD under each player does not match screen names when I first sit down at cash games. It has to have me play a hand before it corrects itself.
3. I play one table at a time in cash games, but PT3 has still caused a noticeable lag on Full Tilt at times. I'm nervous to even try to multi-table, fearing a crash as others have mentioned.

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Re: Bug in tournament section

Postby WhiteRider » Wed May 21, 2008 10:48 am

Sorry about all the missing tournament summaries. Unfortunately I can't give you an answer as to when the email update will added, but it will be.
As for transferring summaries from PT2, again I don't know the status of this, but obviously if you have the info in PT2 it should be possible to access it, so I'm sure the transfer across can be automated at some point.

SpartanDoug - your issues are all known.
2. PT3 does not know where you are seated until after the first hand history is written if you use preferred seating - that is the first time that the information about your new seat is available.
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