Adding aliases takes a really long time

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Adding aliases takes a really long time

Postby Chaser8 » Thu May 22, 2008 1:06 pm

I just finished importing all my hands from PT2 hand history files into PT3.

I now need to add in all my aliases. However, it's taking a really long time. PT3 is also 'Not responding' according to Windows task manager.

Is this normal?
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Re: Adding aliases takes a really long time

Postby kraada » Thu May 22, 2008 1:13 pm

Adding aliases is a time consuming process. We made a design decision to have all of this extra time come right at the beginning. Please be patient; the more hands you have the longer this process could take. But once it finishes your usernames will be linked and queries will run much faster on your aliased usernames. (The other option was to have it take longer each time you got your statistics, and that seemed less appealing.)
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