** HUD FEEDBACK ** volume 1

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** HUD FEEDBACK ** volume 1

Postby fooz » Thu May 22, 2008 6:44 pm

I'm putting this in bug reports, because I see all of this together as a collective bug/set of bugs and not feature suggestions. (I've worked in QA before...I know the game)

- When player sits out his stats disappear
- It doesn't seem to be possible to put your own stats in the middle of the table anymore. If I position my stats in the middle, then it always puts that seat's stats in the middle not necessarily mine. This is important because:
. It's easiest to see your table image at a glance, by looking to the center of the table.
. The graphics showing your cards take up most of the area around you player name.

*Hud window*
- overall the method of changing and saving the HUD configuration is not clear/intuitive. For example:
. I'm not clear what the difference is between changing the config via the table "configure stats" or going in via the main PT window.
. It doesn't always seem to "save". If I configure a particular table (adding stats) and then "save layout", I think my changes get overridden if I then happen to reposition a stat on another table and save layout.
. I find myself and closing/reopening the config stats windows constantly adding new lines, etc. and then clicking the up arrow a million times to slide things to the top. TEDIOUS.

- The second tab (Stats) in the HUD "Configure Stats" window is not that easy to use. For example:

. When I double-click items in the upper right window to remove them, the selected row then jumps to the top of the window. If I'm removing a chunk of stats in the middle of the window, it's quite tedious to double-click, scroll down and find the section again and then double-click and so on.

. The previous issue could be avoided all together if you could select multiple items and remove them all at once.

. It's nice that this window is expandable, but it would be better if you could also adjust the proportion of the window used between the upper right box and the lower right box. Most of the time I need to see as much as possible in the upper right box, yet expanding it to full screen splits the two sections 50/50.

. It would be good if this window remembered it's size and positioning (and possibly just stayed open after you click "apply"). Configuring HUD stats is an iterative process. Having to reopen this window everytime and then reposition and resize it is tedious.

- Many of the default stats included in the pop-up window are pretty ridiculous. 3bet River? Seriously? C'mon. We don't need every 3bet and fold to 3bet stat for every street. And yet things like C-bet and 3b preflop are missing?

- The default precision is set to 2 decimals for most of the stats. That's just silly. I'd recommend integers (0 decimals). Do you really need to know someone's WtSD to the hundredths place?

*Auto Import Window*
- For some reason the "Import Status:" box does not continue to auto-scroll as more lines are added. You have to keep scrolling down to see the most recent hands/update.
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Re: ** HUD FEEDBACK ** volume 1

Postby fooz » Thu May 22, 2008 6:44 pm

All that said. I appreciate the work you guys have put into this. The intent of the HUD configuration is good, as it gives you quite a bit of flexibility.
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Re: ** HUD FEEDBACK ** volume 1

Postby prajna » Thu May 22, 2008 7:27 pm

fooz wrote:I'm putting this in bug reports, because I see all of this together as a collective bug/set of bugs and not feature suggestions. (I've worked in QA before...I know the game)

- When player sits out his stats disappear

This is not a bug. The stats that are shown are from the hand histories that are written to disk. When they sit out, they are not in the hand history, so their stats are removed. It might be possible with some sites to do this, but currently the HUD reads who is in the hand history file.

fooz wrote:- It doesn't seem to be possible to put your own stats in the middle of the table anymore. If I position my stats in the middle, then it always puts that seat's stats in the middle not necessarily mine. This is important because:
. It's easiest to see your table image at a glance, by looking to the center of the table.
. The graphics showing your cards take up most of the area around you player name.

Your stats you are moving here is actually an "everybody's stats including hero stats", and so, yes, anyone who sits there, their stats will be in the middle. You need to create a HUD for hero only that you can then put in the middle. Go to the PT3 icon on the table, and click "configure HUD". Now click on the groups tab, and create a new group. Name it whatever, but for the show pulldown, select "show on table for hero only". Now go to the stats tab and create the stats you want for this.

fooz wrote:*Hud window*
- overall the method of changing and saving the HUD configuration is not clear/intuitive. For example:
. I'm not clear what the difference is between changing the config via the table "configure stats" or going in via the main PT window.
. It doesn't always seem to "save". If I configure a particular table (adding stats) and then "save layout", I think my changes get overridden if I then happen to reposition a stat on another table and save layout.
. I find myself and closing/reopening the config stats windows constantly adding new lines, etc. and then clicking the up arrow a million times to slide things to the top. TEDIOUS.

I am getting ready to build a video tutorial on how to use the HUD. Yes, it is not easy to use mainly because there is no real documentation on it, but I will show in the tutorial how to create, edit, and manage HUDs with the new version.

fooz wrote:- The second tab (Stats) in the HUD "Configure Stats" window is not that easy to use. For example:

. When I double-click items in the upper right window to remove them, the selected row then jumps to the top of the window. If I'm removing a chunk of stats in the middle of the window, it's quite tedious to double-click, scroll down and find the section again and then double-click and so on.

. The previous issue could be avoided all together if you could select multiple items and remove them all at once.

. It's nice that this window is expandable, but it would be better if you could also adjust the proportion of the window used between the upper right box and the lower right box. Most of the time I need to see as much as possible in the upper right box, yet expanding it to full screen splits the two sections 50/50.

. It would be good if this window remembered it's size and positioning (and possibly just stayed open after you click "apply"). Configuring HUD stats is an iterative process. Having to reopen this window everytime and then reposition and resize it is tedious.
Again, above. I will also how how to find out how the stats are configured so you can get a better understanding of what is happening.

fooz wrote:- Many of the default stats included in the pop-up window are pretty ridiculous. 3bet River? Seriously? C'mon. We don't need every 3bet and fold to 3bet stat for every street. And yet things like C-bet and 3b preflop are missing?

Some of are real value to some people. As for cbets and 3b pf, the stats are there. Again, see my tutorial to come.

fooz wrote:- The default precision is set to 2 decimals for most of the stats. That's just silly. I'd recommend integers (0 decimals). Do you really need to know someone's WtSD to the hundredths place?
I adjusted mine to 0 decimal places just to save space on the screen.

fooz wrote:*Auto Import Window*
- For some reason the "Import Status:" box does not continue to auto-scroll as more lines are added. You have to keep scrolling down to see the most recent hands/update.

This is not an issue I have faced in using PT3's auto-import. Can anyone else verify this bug?

~ Thomas
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Re: ** HUD FEEDBACK ** volume 1

Postby flaviusO » Thu May 22, 2008 8:12 pm


Is it possible that the hud's pop-up could show me, like the PA Hud, the percentage and the number of situations..

for egg: Attempt to steal: 80% (8/10), Continuation bet: 70% (14/20)

Another problem I have is that the Hero's stats are disappearing. I play on Party.
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Re: ** HUD FEEDBACK ** volume 1

Postby fooz » Thu May 22, 2008 9:18 pm

Thanks for the quick reply. And honestly admitting that the interface is not intuitive and could use improvements (as opposed to saying something like we'll fix it all w/documentation...heheh)!

I also find hero's stats disappearing often.
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Re: ** HUD FEEDBACK ** volume 1

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 23, 2008 11:56 am

flaviusO wrote:Hello!

Is it possible that the hud's pop-up could show me, like the PA Hud, the percentage and the number of situations..

for egg: Attempt to steal: 80% (8/10), Continuation bet: 70% (14/20)

Yes, this will be added.

Another problem I have is that the Hero's stats are disappearing. I play on Party.

This a known issue and should be fixed in the next build due out within a few days.
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