First of all I'd like to say I'm really enjoying PT3. I think the new GUI is excellent, and by and large so is the HUD. I'm having a few problems with it though; I'm looking for reassurance that these issues are going to be fixed before I buy PT3.
First, I'm having a problem with the HUD bringing tables to the front (I'm playing on Stars). I've got Stars set to bring active tables to the front, and it seems to clash with the HUD; I frequently find myself spending a few seconds wrestling with the HUD for control of the tables, which really sucks when I'm 8-tabling. Is there an option to change this / will there be an option?
Second, there are just a number of weird bugs I get with the HUD. Sometimes the HUD won't display my stats at a particular table; if I reset the HUD at that table my stats will appear for one hand, then disappear. Sometimes no stats will be displayed at a number of tables. Sometimes the HUD appears like usual but with no numbers in the boxes.