just to remind someone to please fix this. I don`t wanna read all the other threads again.
The HUD does not work. It is impossible to play poker with this.
The stats doesnt show up, then they appear at the wrong table, at the wrong seat, then I see stats from people who never sat at any of my tables today. Then the stats dissapear again, then they don`t update. Two databases is still impossible of course. Since today the pop-up window has no stats at all !
When I open 8 tables I have to close 1 or 2 because the HUD just doesnt recognize these tables, no matter how long I´m waiting.
At FTP I sometimes cannot click a button when the HUD is running, then I cannot write an amount to bet when it`s loading.
I don`t wanna be rude or something, but this HUD is absolutely useless at this time and it seems silly to talk more deeply about one mistake because there is nothing that really works. At I´m not even talking about the times when PT3 crashes down completely. When I close and open my PT3 it still reads all the duplicates first before it recognizes my new tables.
I´m so dissapointed