A fatal exception has occured

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A fatal exception has occured

Postby snoopy » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:52 pm

I keep getting these fatal exceptions which cause PT3 to stop working. A PT3 message comes up and tells me a fatal exception has occured and then PT3 stops.

This happened after about 30 minutes of playing cash on Pokerstars. I restarted the program and it didnt happen again. Then in a later session it happened 3 times within 15 minutes. Is this a problem that will be fixed in an update?

Seems to me there are a lot of problems with this program, I'm glad I went for the trial version lol.
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Re: A fatal exception has occured

Postby Josh » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:58 pm

This should be fixed in the next release, most likely coming out tonight, or at the latest tomorrow afternoon.
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