Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

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Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby dj11 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:47 pm

Fresh boot.
PT3(b4) to start the program.
I may or may not get the old database error, I have created a new one. If I get that box, and click OK, the PT3 window comes up, but the hourglass goes on, and I have NO task bar.

Windows Task Manager tells me that PT3 is eating 99% of my cpu usage. The hourglass is still shapely.

I tried loading Firefox, and watched TM show me how slow it loaded. Every once in a while PT3 would relinquish a few % and a bit more of Firefox would load. Eventually (several minutes), Firefox loaded.

Win XP Home, latest updates. My system is fast enough to watch online movies, plenty of disk space.

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Re: Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby Josh » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:17 pm

Download beta 4 again and reinstall. It should work this time.
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