Where is the DB stored?

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Where is the DB stored?

Postby AKPylet » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:06 pm

I just installed beta4 and everything worked great. I now want to convert my backed up PT2 dB but the beta4 database management tab doesn't allow me to tell it where the file is stored. It's on another computers drive. I was then going to copy the old dB to this PC but not sure where to place the file. In fact, I can't find the current dB that I just created with beta4. Where are the dB files stored?

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Re: Where is the DB stored?

Postby Josh » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:09 pm

PostgreSQL databases aren't stored in a single file like Access databases are. The best thing to do is to go into pgAdmin (included in the PostgreSQL install), select the database and right-click -> Backup. Then use the Restore feature to restore it on a different computer.
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Re: Where is the DB stored?

Postby AKPylet » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:17 pm

By doing the "restore" feature, is that going to convert the PT2 file to a PT3b4 file? Or, is it going to restore the PT2 file onto my current PC then I go into PT3b4 and do the convert? Things are going really smooth so far and don't want to mess up.

Also, the "restore" function is grayed out and I do not see a way to tell pgAdmin where the backup file is that I want to restore. Seems like this function was flawless with PT3b3. Not sure why I'm having difficulty with this one. Did you change the format as to how it is accomplished?

Thanks for the quick responses.
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Re: Where is the DB stored?

Postby AKPylet » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:39 pm

Woo Hoo!!! Finally got 'er done. When I did the restore I had to set the encoding to UTF8 which the old dB uses. Looks like PT3 uses encoding SQL_ASCII. Thanks for the help.

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Location: North Pole, Alaska

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