Applying filters while players populating

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Applying filters while players populating

Postby dwr2 » Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:15 am

If I start and add in a couple of filters (I can recreate error using 'Hand Values on flop - no overcards' under advanced, and 'free look from BB' in stats), press Apply and it works ok. Then I press Apply again and while the player list is re-'populating' Apply again. Now nothing comes up in the three boxes 'position stats/position hands/position hands detail'. When I press Apply yet again the 'position hands' and position hands detail box fill ok but top one has no totals or column headers.

Rough guess is it gets confused when multiple applies - some sort of disable apply button till it completes?

EDIT: Doesn't matter what the filter is, any time you press Apply while it's populating seems to upset it.
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Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:00 am

Re: Applying filters while players populating

Postby Josh » Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:47 am

This was brought to my attention earlier. I will be getting it fixed for the next release.
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