Not Sure If It's a Bug or My Fault

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Not Sure If It's a Bug or My Fault

Postby Kreationz » Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:51 am

First, I've never used PT before. Second, I play a PartyPoker. Next, I'm using Beta 6 and I installed the Full Package and set PT to run as administrator (Using Vista).

I got PP running started a tourney. Then ran PT. It has the nice little check next to PP, but upon trying to start auto importing... 0 hands imported and 0 errors...
I'm probably doing something wrong (New User, planning on getting 3.0 if I can get the beta to run properly), but I followed the Quick Start and Vista notes to the letter.

Also on the tourney tab I also get nothing. I also sat down at a .01/.02 table just for testing purposes and nothing on the Cash Games tab either.

Can anyone help get me off the ground a bit with this?
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Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:30 am

Re: Not Sure If It's a Bug or My Fault

Postby momoney2 » Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:46 pm

My guess is you are not importing your hand histories to your hard drive. In PokerStars and FullTilt there is an option to download hand histories to your PC. Look for this same option in PartyPoker. Once your HH's begin downloading to your PC, you should be set.
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Re: Not Sure If It's a Bug or My Fault

Postby Kreationz » Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:14 pm

Yep was definitely my fault... thought the program screen grabbed or memory grabbed hands.. all is good except for the occasional crash when turning off auto import and then turning it back on later. (It happened when I turned it of to import a tourney). Also noticed the no import from e-mail or tourney finish import. Would be nice since I generally just play SnG's.
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Re: Not Sure If It's a Bug or My Fault

Postby APerfect10 » Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:15 pm

[quote="Kreationz"b43]Also noticed the no import from e-mail or tourney finish import. Would be nice since I generally just play SnG's.[/quoteb43]

We will get this added shortly...definitely prior to final release.

Best regards,

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