by GoldnEagl » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:40 pm
yeah the stars update screwed up all kinds of things for whatever reason.
if anybody else had to completely reconfigure themes etc or type in your username/password combo when you previously had the client remember it, exit the stars client and navigate to the folder where stars is installed you should see two files: notes.txt.migrated and user.ini.migrated. first delete notes.txt (assuming you didnt take any notes after the update..if you did, open the .migrated notes file w/ notepad and compare with notes.txt and copy/paste any new notes from notes.txt to the .migrated file, save and close both) and delete user.ini then rename both .migrated files to notes.txt and user.ini respectively. restart stars and all of your HH settings, themes, notes, etc should be the way they were before the update (but with the update actually installed) and beta 6 should work just fine
btw if you cant see the file name extensions go to Control Panel > Folder Options > View tab > untick the 'Hide extensions for known file types' check box > OK; then do the above