Imported 85k hands, but it's "clustering" forever!

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Imported 85k hands, but it's "clustering" forever!

Postby Chaser8 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:06 pm

This is what my import status window says :

2008/03/12 11:42:33: Import complete. 85,908 hands in 292 files were imported. (0 errors, 0 duplicates)
2008/03/12 11:43:07:
2008/03/12 11:43:07: Clustering...
2008/03/12 12:28:06: Clustering complete.

However, it is right now 5:05pm and it is STILLL clustering! WTF! When I try to close the clustering window it won't let me.

I've been checking the free space in my hdd, and it's still changing (decreasing, suddenly increasing, and decreasing again, repeat).

What's the deal?
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Re: Imported 85k hands, but it's "clustering" forever!

Postby APerfect10 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:55 am

This is a bug where PT3 is stating that the clustering is complete even though it has not yet finished. We are working to get this resolved.

It should have completed by the time you read this message though ;)

Best regards,

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Re: Imported 85k hands, but it's "clustering" forever!

Postby Josh » Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:49 am

How many hands did you have in this database before the 85k hand import? Did you cluster prior to that?
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Re: Imported 85k hands, but it's "clustering" forever!

Postby Chaser8 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:23 pm

Aperfect10, yes my clustering finished soon after I posted the message :) MAN that took long...

Josh, I had 3 million unique hand histories imported prior to that 85k import and I had it clustered _both_ times.

Oh, and there's something wrong with your forum website. Every time I try to reply to a message, the website makes me log in _twice_ even though I had been logged in from the start.

Cheers boys
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Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:03 pm

Re: Imported 85k hands, but it's "clustering" forever!

Postby APerfect10 » Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:00 pm

[quote="Chaser8"g94]Oh, and there's something wrong with your forum website. Every time I try to reply to a message, the website makes me log in _twice_ even though I had been logged in from the start.

Cheers boys[/quoteg94]

Delete your cookies by logging out then logging back in. See if that resolves the problem. If it doesn't then your IP address is changing very rapidly which is causing you to get logged out.

Best regards,

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