kraada's advanced HUD problem

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kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby black666 » Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:43 pm


I've read and downloaded kraada's advanced HUD from the FAQ forum. Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug. The 3 bet stats from the general group (3-bet Not vs a Blind Steal (colored by 3bet vs steal)) don't get shown - there is just an empty field between the 2nd stat and the 4th stat. The stats are in the HUD config though. I've got a similar problem with the donklead stat from the postflop group (Donkbet Flop Percentage (colored by Fold to Flop C-bet in 3Bet Pots Percentage) .. they get shown, but the popup simply shows "%" for the donklead when the postflop group shows "40" for example.

Is this a known bug? Am I missing something here?
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:29 am

Are you sure you imported those stats?
If you open the Custom Stats window, can you see those stats?
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby black666 » Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:04 pm

yeah..I have them imported. See the screenshot:

here is a screenshot while playing:


notice how the 3bet stats in the general group (3rd stat) is missing completely (not even a "X"). also note how I see a number in the postflop stats for "donkleads" but in the pop-up it's empty (apart from the "%"). other than the positions on the table I haven't changed anything (I've added the "total AF" stat though instead of the note editor. but it's in another HUD group, so it shouldn't have any effect on the rest)
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby kraada » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:16 pm

That (obviously) shouldn't be happening.

When you go to the HUD Configuration, are the missing stats listed there?

You could try removing and readding them and see if that helps. You did re-run housekeeping after importing all of the stats right?
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby raster846 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:36 pm

Same thing happened to me. I went to PT icon Configure Statistics and changed the stat from 3betpreflop to
3bet Preflop NvBS-Colorered. Also had to tweak the background so it was the same as the other 3 stats.
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby black666 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:37 pm

I removed the 3-bet stat from the hud and re-added it again. It worked like a charme 8-)

I also tried it for the donk lead stat in the postflop popup. Once I tried to add it again, I noticed that I only have the "donk flop - colored" stat. I added this one and it worked, but the stat is now colored in the pop-up. I searched the original for an uncolored donk flop stat, but I couldn't find it!?? Am I missing a stat or is there an option, to make a colored stat show up without a color?
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby kraada » Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:50 pm

I thought I included the non-colored version in my large chunk of stats; it's possible I may not have. I'm not home today but I will be home tomorrow and I'm going to double check to make sure the right things are actually uploaded.

If it's there, you should just need to import, and if it's not there I apologize for the oversight.
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby black666 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:39 pm

No need to apologize. Your HUD is awesome and you've been a great help so far!!

This forum reminds me why PT is worth every $ I paid.
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby kraada » Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:09 pm

I've checked and you were right that Donk Flop was missing and the Layouts.pt3 had 3bet instead of 4bet stats. I've uploaded the Donk Flop that I use and a fixed Layouts.pt3 in a new zip file attached to the original howto.

I've also thrown a README.TXT in there explaining what the directories in the zip file are, so that hopefully people who are upgrading will be slightly less confused (and it should save some people some time; I'm sorry I didn't do that originally.)

Either way, enjoy :)
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Re: kraada's advanced HUD problem

Postby black666 » Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:13 pm

didn't notice the bug with the 4-bet stats..

what I did notice is the strange results from the read-based stats. "Posts Blinds in Early or Middle Position" shows a number >0 for almost every player I have a couple hands on. I've checked what the stat says about me and it shows that I've posted dead blinds 81 times! That can't be right, because I always wait for the blinds to come around when sitting at the table. Am I misunderstanding the stat?
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